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  • in reply to: Error in #20581

    That said, I just toggled IGMP snooping off after running the alarm and it still works.

    My pet theory–I don’t have a good enough understanding of networks to be sure but I have enough to be dangerous–is that the IGMP snooping initially prevented multicast streaming between the NAS and the speaker, but that after an initial connection was made, the unique ID (UUID) of the speaker was saved as a parameter and could be targeted.

    Still not sure why only the alarm was an issue and I was able to get playback to that speaker on NAS Alarm Clock’s “Run” click or via AudioStation GUI.

    For what it’s worth, this NAS Alarm Clock log shows successful alarm initiation from a kickoff at 22:56:00 to a delayed speaker “wait & play” at 22:56:24:

    2021-01-24 22:56:00,462 DEBUG [scheduler run task] play_6265B6EA-92D8-4306-BFA4-B2E56C2BA3E6
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,463 INFO [server playAlarm]
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,463 INFO [ASPlayer.PlayGUID] 6265B6EA-92D8-4306-BFA4-B2E56C2BA3E6
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,463 INFO [tasks.get_tasks]
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,463 INFO Read tasks information from file
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,464 INFO [ASPlayer.PlayTask]
    “device”: “Bedroom (HEOS 5)”,
    “duration”: “60”,
    “hour”: “22”,
    “id”: “6265B6EA-92D8-4306-BFA4-B2E56C2BA3E6”,
    “minute”: “56”,
    “on”: “1”,
    “playlist”: “playlist_shared_normal/2”,
    “schedule”: “0,1,2,3,4,5,6”,
    “shuffle”: “false”,
    “volume1”: “20”,
    “volume2”: “40”,
    “volumetime”: “10”,
    “wakeup”: “wait”
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,464 INFO login:
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,464 INFO [Login.login]
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,464 INFO [Login.ReadAccount]
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,465 DEBUG [EXEC] : SYNO.Core.System | info | 1
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,602 DEBUG [EXEC] : SYNO.MediaServer.ClientList | list_client | 1
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,782 INFO login ok. sid = gHks8wn1N8izCIkK4DCQIp-Ga0OfBjCbuwSny5mTbhMUdd-CqFaF3lQqX_RYhXo9Ub13O8_ewvB7gqCfymPpTs
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,783 INFO select player
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,783 INFO [players.selectPlayer] Bedroom (HEOS 5)
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,783 INFO player found: uuid:9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,783 INFO set shuffle: False
    2021-01-24 22:56:00,784 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=control&action=set_shuffle&value=False&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da
    2021-01-24 22:56:01,216 INFO set playlist
    2021-01-24 22:56:01,216 INFO [AudioStation.setPlaylist] playlist_shared_normal/2
    2021-01-24 22:56:01,216 INFO [AudioStation.stop]
    2021-01-24 22:56:01,216 INFO [AudioStation.stopPlayer]
    2021-01-24 22:56:01,217 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=control&action=stop&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da
    2021-01-24 22:56:01,624 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=getplaylist&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da&library=shared&containers_json=[{“type”:”playlist”,”id”:”playlist_shared_normal/2″}]
    2021-01-24 22:56:02,041 DEBUG 8 songs was in playlist. Clear
    2021-01-24 22:56:02,042 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=updateplaylist&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da&library=shared&offset=0&limit=8&play=true&containers_json=[{“type”:”playlist”,”id”:”playlist_shared_normal/2″}]
    2021-01-24 22:56:02,537 DEBUG [wakeup.doWakeup] method = wait
    2021-01-24 22:56:02,538 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=control&action=set_volume&value=0&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da
    2021-01-24 22:56:02,947 INFO []
    2021-01-24 22:56:02,948 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=control&action=play&value=0&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da
    2021-01-24 22:56:03,562 INFO [AudioStation.stop]
    2021-01-24 22:56:03,563 INFO [AudioStation.stopPlayer]
    2021-01-24 22:56:03,563 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=control&action=stop&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da
    2021-01-24 22:56:03,971 DEBUG sleep some second – wait device for wakeup
    2021-01-24 22:56:23,974 DEBUG [POST] data: api=SYNO.AudioStation.RemotePlayer&version=2&method=control&action=set_volume&value=20&id=uuid%3A9b21a16e-661b-1fac-0080-0005cdd8e1da
    2021-01-24 22:56:24,389 DEBUG volume start = 20.000000, volume end = 40.000000, delta = 0.033333. [3600.000000 , 600.000000]
    2021-01-24 22:56:24,389 INFO play. from song num = 0
    2021-01-24 22:56:24,389 INFO []

    in reply to: Error in #20579

    I had these same issues that resolved when I disabled IGMP snooping for my LAN, on my router. I got the idea from this link:

    The link suggests an IGMP proxy. I didn’t try that.

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