QNAP Alarm Clock – main settings

Set up internal account

QNAP AlarmClock uses standard QNAP Music Station web API for playing the music.

You should set up the internal account that will be used to call this web API.


Click on “Settings” button on the toolbar.

A window for entering a name and password for the account will be opened.

  • Enter here login and password of any account you want to use for AlarmClock package.
  • We suggest creating the special account for AlarmClock package with limited permissions (see below).


Set up license

In the same window, you should enter the license for your package.

License may be either 30-days trial or commercial.

  • Without any license, the playback time will be only 10 seconds.
  • To obtain 30-days evaluation license, go to “My Account” page, Select “My Licenses” tab, and generate new trial license for your NAS.
  • NAS Serial code you should copy from settings window and use for license generation.
  • If you like the package, you may buy the commercial license.

Minimal permissions for Alarm Clock account

For use in QNAP Alarm Clock, you may set up the minimal permissions for Alarm Clock account, that allows calling Music Station web API and nothing more.

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